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Natura Petz Organics STIX & STONES Kidney + Stone & Urinary Tract Infection & Stone Support for DOGS (90 Capsules)

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Product Description


Stix and Stones is a potent antioxidant and first clases adaptogen which contains antioxidants, hydorquinones, astragalin, brevifolin, carboxylic acids, corilagin, cymene, ellagic acid, ellagitannins, gallocatechins, geraniin, hypophyllanthin, lignans, lintetralins, lupeols, methyl salicylate, niranthin, nirtetralin, niruretin, nirurin, nirurine, niruriside, norsecurinines, phyllanthin, phyllanthine, phyllanthenol, phyllochrysine, phyltetralin, repandusinic acids, quercetin, quercetol, quercitrin, rutin, saponins, triacontanal, and tricontanol. 

With demonstrated liver protective, antilithic (expels stones), pain-relieving, hypotensive, antispasmodic, antiviral, antibacterial, diuretic, antimutagenic, and hypoglycemic activities, which also demonstrated plant actions which may present an alterative form against urolithiasis, to help block calcium oxalate as well as struvite stones from forming. Read More

Part of the potential success of these plants surrounds the smooth muscle relaxation plant actions within the urinary or biliary tract which probably facilitates the expulsion of kidney or bladder calculi.


Stix and Stones is used holistically to help support healthy kidney function and to reduce inflammation in the bladder and kidneys related to urinary tract infections; to help break up kidney, liver, gallbladder & bladder stones, gravel, crystals & calculi, providing a preventative layer of support against all types of urinary infections and stone formation in the kidneys, ureters and bladder, due to its natural plant chemical content including antioxidants, lignans, glycosides, flavonoids, linolic acid, alkaloids, ellagitannins, phenylpropanoids, lipids, sterols, and flavonols.Stix and Stones contains healthy, natural plant chemicals that are strongly antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic & analgesic (pain relieving).  (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system) 

Part of the potential success of these plants surrounds the smooth muscle relaxation plant actions within the urinary or biliary tract which probably facilitates the expulsion of kidney or bladder calculi.


Stix and Stones is used holistically to help support healthy kidney function and to reduce inflammation in the bladder and kidneys related to urinary tract infections; to help break up kidney, liver, gallbladder & bladder stones, gravel, crystals & calculi, providing a preventative layer of support against all types of urinary infections and stone formation in the kidneys, ureters and bladder, due to its natural plant chemical content including antioxidants, lignans, glycosides, flavonoids, linolic acid, alkaloids, ellagitannins, phenylpropanoids, lipids, sterols, and flavonols.Stix and Stones contains healthy, natural plant chemicals that are strongly antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic & analgesic (pain relieving).  (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system) 


ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten, to monitor kidney and liver function parameters (BUN, Creatine, Phosphorus, urine specific gravity, ALT, Bilirubin, GTT) to evaluate organ function and response to treatment. 

Recommended to be used for 30 days. If your veterinarian recommends longer term use, it is suggested that you give your pet 7-14 day breaks in between use of this product.

Your pet may drink more water and require more frequent bathroom breaks while using Stix and Stones. This is normal and a healthy response to the natural stone breaking and detoxifying process. 



Gelatin capsules, Uva Ursi, Chanca Piedra

Beef, turkey and chicken flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).




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